Preventing pigeons at VPS UK Ltd retail development site

Preventing pigeons at VPS UK Ltd retail development site

Problem pigeons holding up store redevelopment and refurbishment for VPS UK Ltd

VPS UK Ltd chose NBC Environment as the specialist supplier business to support the proposed redevelopment and refurbishment of the vacant Ex-Marks & Spencer Store.

There were several aims;

The first aimed to prevent feral pigeons’ holding up the programme of proposed works.

The second to ensure all internal areas are safe and free from bulk bird faeces hazardous to human health which was causing a risk contractors.

The third to ensure all internal areas of the building are bird free and all feral pigeon nests are removed.

The fourth was designed to ensure compliance on the proposed redevelopment and refurbishment to prevent feral pigeons from accessing the internal areas of building once cleared and as such remove the risks of further bulk bird faeces. Also designed to ensure that the internal areas of the building were protected from contamination as a result of bird activity i.e. loafing, fouling, roosting and nest building.

Project overview

NBC were tasked with protecting wildlife balanced with the need to support operations.

  • NBC provided the client with a full detailed survey inspection report and installed a suitable plan of works.
  • NBC carried out the proposed program of works onsite to support with species identified (Feral Pigeon – Columba Livia) to ensure compliance with the Wildlife & Countryside Act.
  • The property was extremely large over three levels with numerous vast rooms. There are inaccessible roof voids and false ceilings where the feral pigeons reside, so the team had to use grain to bait the feral pigeons from their hiding places.

Our solution

NBC were able to demonstrate the specialist capability with robust risk assessments and method statements, which included the listing of all materials to be used on the large bulk bird faeces and feral pigeon removal program.

A specialist team from NBC Environment carried out a controlled feral pigeon and associated bulk bird faeces removal program in compliance with the Wildlife & Countryside Act i.e. egg and nest removal, controlled culling in order to remove the feral pigeons which in turn would reduce the risk of contamination throughout the internal areas of the building and allow for the redevelopment/refurbishment of the premises to proceed safely and without risk to human health.

NBC supported the client by carrying out a specialist bulk feral pigeon faeces removal, deep cleaning and decontamination program of works throughout all internal areas, with the safe cleaning and sanitising of the contaminated areas using specialist equipment such as industrial steam cleaners, industrial power washers, industrial wet and dry vacuum cleaners and industrial lighting units.

NBC finished off the project for VPS UK Ltd by ensuring the windows which were permanently fixed to an open position and allowing feral pigeon ingress into the vacant building were cleared of bird faeces and securely closed, this ensured no further feral pigeon ingress was possible.

The project has ensured the proposed redevelopment/refurbishment of the premises can now proceed without delay or risk to human health.

View our pigeon pest control services

Read our useful article 'How To Deter Pigeons' for advice on how to avoid pigeon problems.

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