Roosting pigeons at HM Prison

Roosting pigeons at HM Prison

Ongoing pigeon issues at HM Prison

NBC Environment were contacted by the client to help advise and provide a solution to prevent ongoing issues with feral pigeons roosting within 4 ventilation shafts and defecating which needed removing as their droppings are hazardous to human health.

The four ventilation shafts provided the perfect entry points for the pigeons however due to the design, this was trapping them in as the vents would close.

Maintenance teams were unable to carry out essential servicing of the various air handling units due to the very high levels of pigeon guano which again is extremely dangerous to human health.

Problem overview

Due to Covid restrictions all residents of the prison were on room lockdown with minimal time allowed externally and the rigid operational timetable of the prison all works had to be completed within the same day.

All four of the shafts had a build-up of pigeon faeces hazardous to human health along with trapped feral pigeons.

Bird faeces build-up is extremely dangerous as the bacterial spores are hazardous to human health as it can become airborne dust which carries micro-organisms and can be inhaled into the lungs leading to respiratory difficulties and other illnesses. This created a risk not only to the staff on site but also the residents of the prison. The ventilation shafts were attached to each residential block

Again, due to the design of the shafts it was not possible to complete a proofing solution internally, we had to explore options externally to stop unnecessary harm to the trapped pigeons. 

Our solution

NBC Environment consulted the client and designed and installed 50mm pigeon control net frames raised using bracket on the top of each shaft, these were installed using a IRATA qualified rope access team to provide a barrier from the pigeons gaining further entry.

This successful design has now been in operation since August with no further issues surrounding pigeons being trapped nor a build-up of dangerous faeces.

The project was mobilised and carried out over one day enlisting the support of a specialist IRATA rope access team along completing two shafts consecutively whist a specialist trained cleaning crew were completing the internal cleans and pigeon removal. All of this was completed whilst the residential halls were in full use.

More information on our pigeon pest control services

Read our useful article 'How To Deter Pigeons' for advice on how to avoid pigeon problems.

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