Impressive performance preventing gulls at The Open

Impressive performance preventing gulls at The Open

Problem gulls at Royal Birkdale: The 146th Open

Royal Birkdale saw some impressive performances from star players at The 146th Open, but spectators may not have realised how much work goes on behind the scenes to make the tournament a success.

Gulls causing a menace from droppings and scavenging food in outlet areas during The 146th Open at Royal Birkdale could have caused spectators and players a problem until Jet the Falcon and NBC Environments’ falconer got involved.

Project overview

Royal Birkdale Golf Club course is subject to large volumes of Gulls moving inland where food sources would be readily available could have caused problems for spectators and players on the course. NBC were up early before many competitors and fans arrived make sure the local gulls did not make a nuisance of themselves at the famous old course.

Our solution

NBC were appointed to cover the 146th Open at Royal Birkdale Golf Club from Wednesday 19th July to Sunday 23rd 2017 working from 6am to 8pm to keep potential troublesome gulls at bay.

Early morning flying was carried out by NBC’s falconry team who were flying a Peregrine/Lanner Falcon and a Harris Hawk to scare away the gulls from the course, spectator Village and VIP areas. Falcons used for the larger areas and Hawks for the more built up areas. The birds of prey act as a natural deterrent to prevent the gulls from remaining in an area where there is a threat.

As The Open ‘closed’, NBC had kept gulls at bay and The Open free from any problems caused by gulls.

NBC work throughout the hospitality, leisure and tourism industry, operating in several stadiums keeping problem birds away from areas where proofing is not always an option.

More information on our gull control services

For further information read our article "How to get rid of Seagulls".


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