Pigeon Dropping Issue for ISS Facilities

Pigeon Dropping Issue for ISS Facilities

Pigeon Problem on Rooftop Plant Equipment

The customer has had continuous problems with the build up of guano on installed plant equipment on the roofs of the buildings they manage. With a significant pigeon population often on the roof it makes the plant and equipment impossible to maintain/repair as it is often covered in guano (bird droppings). This makes for an unsafe working environment.

The fouling on site was significant due to the population of birds and with no easy way of moving the waste to the ground floor, it became a struggle to safely move the waste for safe disposal. Further to this we agreed in the risk assessment and method statement that pressure washers would not be authorised for use as we did not want standing water.

Our Solution

The NBC Eastern Team attended the site and firstly removed all standing water to make the area a safe working area. From here chemicals were applied to neutralise the harmful pathogens found in guano. Once the chemical has been allowed to soak through the work began on scraping and brushing the waste off. All plant equipment and pipes were cleaned, ultimately with the aim of making the equipment safe to work on and maintain.

Find out more about our Bird Dropping Removal Services

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