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Damage to crops, property and infrastructure, are just a few rabbit problems that affect businesses and homes- particularly if you’re on the receiving end of their voracious appetites and vigorous breeding habits. The breeding season for rabbits begins in mid February and can continue through to late summer. Famous for their reproductive abilities, rabbits have a 30-day gestation (pregnancy) period, and have several litters containing four to eight young each year. Easy to see how a rabbit problems can explode out of control!
There are a number of methods for rabbit control and often, our experienced technicians will select a combination of methods to control and manage the rabbit problem. We also ensure that our rabbit control methods don’t impact on the environment or other wildlife.
There are a number of methods for rabbit control that include:
Your local team will explore all non-lethal methods of rabbit control before recommending lethal action to control a rabbit population. However if a cull is recommended you can rest assured that such action will be conducted in a humane and responsible manner.
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