Mouse Problem in University Block

Mice causing issues for university students

NBC Environment were contacted by a university regarding mice which were making their way into people’s homes in a communal student housing block.

Having mice appear in your house for some is very frightening and stressful. This could cause people to lose sleep imagining where they might be and what damage they might cause. Mice might damage their property through gnawing or could contaminate food stuffs and surfaces as they climb in search of food, whilst spreading the risk of disease.

Our task was to establish the possible ingress and extent of the problem, understand why it might have arisen and put in a programme to eradicate the pests.

Our Solution

NBC Environment surveyed the property of the complaint and realise the air brick vents were made of plastic and had been chewed through, possibly by a rat before. This allowed them access to the cavities of the block.

Once in the cavity they were able to move around and search for small holes into the living areas. The biggest cause of this were the holes where the pipes came up under the sink.

In one flat the electric fire and surround was placed in front of an old fire place which hadn’t been bricked up and because of a gap between the new fire place and the wall they were able to pass.

Once the ingress holes were blocked up the mice problems ceased to be visible to the residents.

We continued to leave bait and traps in the communal attic as this was then the only other place the mice could continue to explore until the bait take ceased indicating the problem was resolved.

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