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You don’t keep pets at your business premises, so why would you have a flea problem?
Fleas are attracted to body heat (including humans) and consequently, are often ‘transported’ to other locations in the clothing of unsuspecting hosts. THAT location could be your business premises.
Fleas lay eggs at an alarming rate – somewhere in the region of 30-40 per day. Theoretically, that’s potentially another 20 breeding pairs, each laying another 40 eggs per day. Before you realise it, you have a flea infestation in your school, business premises or shop and a severe problem with staff and customers getting covered in flea bites.
There are DIY treatments available but the only way to be sure you have removed a flea infestation from your business is to use a professional. A flea infestation needs to be treated quickly as anyone on the premises could carry them off to their homes, buses and other public places.
Our highly trained technicians will attend site quickly and discreetly, understand the full extent of your flea problem and provide a guaranteed treatment programme. Acting quickly now can save you time a money.
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