Preventing Gull and Pigeons at Southampton Hospital

Preventing Bird Problems at Hospital

University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust (UHS) provides services to some 1.9 million people living in Southampton and south Hampshire, plus specialist services such as neurosciences, cardiac services, and children's intensive care to more than 3.7 million people in central southern England and the Channel Islands.

NBC have been working alongside Southampton University Hospital over the last 6 years providing an integrated bird and pest management programme, significantly reducing health and safety risks associated with nuisance birds, to patients, staff, and visitors. 

The sheer footprint of the site provides idealist locations for roosting pigeons and nesting gulls, with an emergency helipad on site, it is vital, the site is clear of any pest birds to ensure an air strike does not take place prior to landing or during take-off. 

Our Solution

NBC consulted with the client and agreed a bespoke falconry management programme on site, flying between 7:30 – 18:00 daily, during these visits we would also provide an all-inclusive programme ensuring the site was clear of any bird guano (faeces). 

Part of our Southern England team is John Elliot, our static falconer on site. John patrols the rooftops with his number 1 girl Gloria the Harris Hawk, though Gloria is not his only resource he had 8 birds of prey available at any given time to ensure we can maintain a constant flying schedule.  

Providing falconry is an extremely ethical approach to bird management as it allows us to work within a non-lethal approach, something we are extremely proud off.  

Starting the programme back in 2015 with over 200 feral pigeons on site we now have a daily population of only 8!

Find out more about our Seagull Deterrent, Pigeon ControlFalconry Control expertise.

Read our useful article 'How To Deter Pigeons' for advice on how to avoid pigeon problems.

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