Bird Proofing a Shopping Centre

Keeping the centre clear of birds and their mess.

NBC were asked to remove and replace a post and bird wire deterrent, which had been installed some 2 years prior, as well as clean guano from several ledges and the floors below.

The shopping centre at Cotgrave was regenerated as part of a £10.5 million investment which was completed in 2018. The site was home to a colony of pigeons which were taking advantage of the height of the building to prospect for food and the harbourage the ledges provided from the elements. These type of areas will always sustain a colony because of these factors alongside the nature of the environment it provides with various food outlets as well as members of the public providing that food through discarded scraps.

Heavy pressure from the colony had damaged the wire causing it to come loose and it was proving to be ineffective in certain areas. As a result, pigeons were able to nest on those areas of the ledge, as well as perch on the leading edges in voids which had been created - fouling down the façade and the pavement below. Guano can be extremely hazardous and corrosive if allowed to build up in large quantities – given the nature of the premises below (food outlets) and the fact it is a public environment, it was essential this was addressed as quickly as possible.

Our Solution

Working with Rushcliffe Borough Council, our NBC team in Nottingham proposed a schedule of works to replace and re-install the post and wire bird proofing to better protect the ledges and prevent the issues highlighted. The works were completed without delay over a period of 3 days with the area being cleaned and presentable for an event a few weeks later.

Find out more about our Bird Dropping Removal Services


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