Bird Control Offshore Platform

Bird Control on Oil Rig

With changes to legislation on the control of certain birds offshore has changed. Much like it has with bird population in land. Our customer manages various oil platforms for their customers and have timeframes and project crews in place for the ‘de-commissioning’ process. The changes in law means that the de commissioning process is at risk if certain birds nest on their platform, in this case a Kittiwake Gull (Rissa Tridactyla).

With tight project timelines in place and a planned de-commission date in April of next year, the customer realised that they would be lifting the platform during the nesting season. It quickly became apparent that action taken this year would determine the success of any lifts next year.

Our Solution

Regular surveys were undertaken of the site last year and this is continuing this year to help provide comparative data. Deterrent works implemented include introducing falconry from the platform to deter the Kittiwakes from nesting. This, along with audio equipment, has had an excellent effect with no recorded nesting Gulls during our time on site.

Find out more about our Bird Deterrent Systems

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