Mice Issue for Homeowner

Mice Causing Problems in Loft

Our customer has had a long history of mice issues and so we needed to reach the source of the problem to solve the customers issues. When we attended site we carried out an environmental risk assessment and noted 2 main points of concern.

These were:

  1. The presence of a pet dog
  2. Experience from the customer that she has had rodents die in the loft and in cavities, causing smell and fly issues.

The 2 points on our Environmental Risk Assessment did create some hurdles for us, by our own processes certain methods were ruled out as a result. Grain formulated toxic bait was ruled out to do the risk associated with rodenticide spill and the presence of a dog. Further that, any use of toxic bait was then ruled out as the customer did not want the rodents dying in an inaccessible area.

Our Solution

With the ERA in mind we set about implementing a toxic free approach where the installation of traps in various locations across the property set about capturing the mice and crucially ensuring that once caught the dead rodent did not move. As part of our programme we also used UV Tracking technology to ascertain for fact the access routes and ingress points for the rodents. These were then blocked up once mice activity had stopped, to prevent future ingress.

Find out more about our Mice Control Services

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