Pest Problem for Land and Countryside Maintenance

Keeping up-to date with Licencing and Regulation changes

NBC was contacted by a customer who historically had a pest problem and used trapping as the main means to control pests on their site. They contacted NBC as they required further traps to be ordered for their site.

The site is located on the outskirts of a town bordering a rural woodland area, which potentially, had a variety of species which visited the site, including mice, rats, squirrel, stoats and many more species.

They had buildings on the site which had been vacant for a number of years but were being maintained for reuse and had a history of rats, squirrels, mice and stoats causing them problems.

The client was focused on the maintenance and protection of the building and was not an expert in licencing or fully understood the best practice in pest control measures and did not realise that there had been changes in the legislation and what traps were suitable and legal.

The client had a variety of potential species, which were attracted to the site and once we explained about the impact on licencing and the rules in the CRRU guidelines, they wanted to find a humane and legal solution to deter them externally from getting inside the buildings and also to put additional measures internally should they gain access inside the buildings.

Our Solution

NBC completed a full site review of all equipment being currently used and where and how it fitted into the Wildlife and Countryside Act, compliance with the new Trapping licence (April 2020) and the CRRU guidelines for rodenticide use.

All illegal equipment and methods were removed, and we explained why this was to the site team.

A strategy for both external and internal methods was implemented and an agreement for regular checking was put in place by both the client and NBC to help stay legal and keep costs lower.

A detailed site plan was produced indicating where all current equipment was being used and all methods revised according to internal and external usage guidelines and the correct traps ordered.

The customer was glad they contacted NBC for ordering their equipment for had they continued to order more of the same themselves and carried on their approach, this could have resulted in unnecessary cruelty to the animals and prosecution against themselves for using equipment and methods which were no longer legal.

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