Frequently Asked Questions

Bird Control

Can I cut hedges in the bird nesting season?

New legislation means that you are not allowed to cut or trim your hedgerow between 1 March and 31 August unless you have applied for a derogation from the RPA and received written permission or any of the following apply:

  • The hedgerow overhangs a highway, road or footpath over which there is a public or private right of way and the overhanging hedgerow obstructs the passage of, or is a danger to, vehicles, pedestrians or horse riders.
  • The hedgerow is dead, diseased, damaged or insecurely rooted and because of its condition, it or part of it, is likely to cause danger by falling on to a highway, road or footpath; or obstructs the view of drivers or the light from a public lamp.
  • It is to carry out hedge-laying or coppicing during the period 1 March to 30 April (inclusive).
  • It is to trim a newly laid hedgerow by hand, within six months of it being laid.

The change in cutting dates from 2014 was introduced under new EU Regulations requiring the protection of birds during both the breeding and rearing season.


When is the bird nesting season?

The ‘Bird Nesting Season’ is officially from February until August (Natural England) and it is recommended that vegetation works (tree or hedge cutting) or site clearance should be done outside of the nesting season. However, in reality the nesting period may start before this and extend beyond it, in some cases. The busiest time for nesting birds is from 1st March until 31st July and of course varies according to species, etc.

As contractors we must aim to avoid impact to nesting birds and infringement of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 and breaching the European Habitats Directive 1992/Nesting Birds Directive.

When tree or vegetation clearance work has to be undertaken during the nesting season, a pre works survey needs to be carried out by a suitably competent person. As a general rule, it should be assumed that birds will be nesting in trees, and as contractors it is down to us to assess, record and confirm that any works carried out in the management of trees and other vegetation has not disturbed actively nesting birds.

Ground vegetation, and therefore ground nesting birds, can often be overlooked by tree workers so additional care and controls should be taken when access and egress to the work site may also cause disturbance or damage to a nesting site. This is also true for retained trees on site as the removal of adjacent trees or remedial works on a tree may lead to the established nest being abandoned, exposed to the elements or predation. This action is also a breach of the act and therefore could lead to prosecution.


Does NBC provide residential pest and bird control?

We do not provide residential pest control, but where possible we do provide residential bird control services throughout the UK. However, there may be instances where we are unable to due to existing commercial commitments. We apologise if this is the case and you have taken the time to contact us.

If we are unable to help, we recommend you find an alternative BPCA approved pest control supplier. You can contact the BPCA on 01332 294 288 or visit the BPCA website.


Does NBC provide a free survey?

A free no-obligation survey is available to anyone with a pest or bird problem. Ecology surveys incur a cost, please contact us for further details. Your local NBC Surveyor will attend site for your pest risk assessment to identify the exact nature of your pest or bird problem and any contributing factors. Recommendations for prevention and control measures will be discussed with you and a full quotation provided.


Which birds are protected against bird control?

All birds, their nests and eggs are protected by law and it is an offence (with certain exceptions) to intentionally kill, injure or take any wild bird, or damage the nest. In certain circumstances where birds are a risk to public health or safety it is possible to provide bird control. However, it is imperative that the species of bird is correctly identified before any action is taken and the correct process is followed for legal and humane bird management. We are able to provide consultation and advice on all types of bird control and bird control legislation. We are the UK's experts!


How much does bird control cost?

This depends on the scale of the problem. However, our clients find our services very cost effective especially when offset against saving the cost of the damage to buildings, property maintenance, lost production/construction time and the risk to customers and staff. Many of our clients benefit further from the positive PR from using nature to control nature.


What can be done to prevent birds nesting and roosting?

We offer a complete bird-proofing service, with a range of techniques to keep potential problems at bay. Ledges and sills, for example, can be protected with spiking or bird gel deterrents which prevent birds roosting or nesting. Larger areas, such as rooftops, courtyards, hangers or warehouses can be proofed to completely exclude birds. We also provide a falconry response as means of bird control where traditional proofing methods cannot be used, or as part of a larger bird control programme for severe bird control issues.


What methods can be used to deter birds?

In addition to falconry response we offer a wide range of bird deterrents. Audio distress callers can broadcast digitally recorded warning calls of nuisance bird species. Bird gels deter birds and bird wire prevent birds alighting on parapets or ledges. We can also provide electric deterrents that work in the same way as cattle fencing. Each bird deterrent has its advantages and disadvantages and can be used in isolation or with other bird control methods as part of a larger bird control programme. To provide you with the most effective solution we recommend you book a free bird control consultation so we can understand the problem and work to your budgetary requirements and specific business needs.


Why do birds behave aggressively?

Nesting gulls in particular can become very territorial and highly aggressive to people in the vicinity of their nesting areas. Nesting is usually between March and September so act fast to have a bird control programme prior to the nesting season and avoid issues for your business. Flocking together is a natural feature of bird behaviour. Nesting birds will return year after year to the same site for breeding and so will their young!


What is Falconry Response?

We use specially bred and trained hawks and falcons, handled by experienced bird technicians, to deter and disperse nuisance bird populations. A hawk or falcon is a natural threat to nuisance birds and an extremely effective deterrent. Read more about our Falconry response.


Can you help with injured animals or birds?

Under normal circumstances we do not deal with injured animals or birds. Through the course of our services we do occasionally deal with injured wildlife and work with the RSPCA to ensure they receive the treatment or help needed The RSPCA (England and Wales), SSPCA (Scotland) and USPCA (Northern Ireland) are the national charities that help and advise on sick and injured birds and animals.

RSPCA: Contact your local RSPCA rescue centre
SSPCA: Animal Helpline 03000 999 999
Helpline: 028 3025 1000


How to deter gulls? (seagulls)

Exclusion is the best gull control solution to prevent gulls nesting or creating problems. There are however a number of gull control or deterrent solutions including gull spiking, gull netting, bird wire, electric deterrents, bird gel, falconry response, kites or audio deterrents.

It may also be possible to complete an egg and nest removal programme but as with all gull control methods time is crucial and gull control must be planned around the breeding season (March to September).


Are gulls a protected species?

All birds are protected by the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981. The control of birds in the UK is permitted but is governed by the UK ‘General Licences’. There are four versions - one each for England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland as terms vary.

Management of any birds under the licences can only be completed where the species is causing conflict with conservation or public safety.


How can I get rid of gulls?

We do not recommend that you attempt to clear a gull's nest by yourself. You may injure yourself or be attacked by angry gulls and if you remove a nest of a different species by accident, you may face prosecution.

There are deterrent or gull proofing control solutions that can be implemented depending on the time of year. The most effective measures are implemented before the gull breeding season commences in March each year. If gull control measures are not permanent (gull proofing) then deterrent programme will need to be repeated each year. Gulls will return to a successful breeding site year after year and in addition young gulls will return to the site at which they were reared.


When is the gull breeding season?

The gull breeding season is generally from March to September. Urban gulls can be a particular nuisance or threat during this time.

Rooftops are an ideal replacement to replace their natural nesting habitat and urban areas often inadvertently provide a regular food source. Once a gull as nested they will return each year to the same area unless they are prevented access.


Can I scare gulls away?

There are a number of measures that are designed to deter or disperse gulls from a property or area. It is important the right method is selected for the right situation. Methods may include a bio-acoustic dispersal system, laser dispersal system, falconry response or even kites.

It is best to have a site risk assessment to understand the most effective method of control.


How can I discourage gulls?

Gulls are expert scavengers and have probably moved to urban areas due to waste and litter being a readily available food source. Urban rooftops are ideal replacement for their natural nesting habitat so gull proofing likely nesting points will prevent your property being used. Using a specially trained bird of prey as a deterrent is also an effective means to deter gulls.

In addition good housekeeping practices will discourage gulls so disposal of waste in securely lidded bins will prevent your property being attractive. Disposing of litter and encouraging your neighbours to do the same will help the area around your business also.


What to do if you see a gull chick?

A gull chick is mottled brown is colour and if you see one you should leave it alone as its parents will be vigilant and be looking after it. If it looks ill or injured then you can take it to the nearest RSPCA wildlife centre.


Why are gulls aggressive?

Gulls tend to be aggressive during the breeding season. This behaviour occurs as they are protecting their nest or young and once chicks have hatched it is not possible to tackle the issue until the breeding season is over. The breeding season runs from late march through to September so measures can be installed then.


What can I do about the noise from gulls?

Gulls are noisy during the breeding season when they have a nest or young to protect. There is no legislation that enable our teams to deal with noise and usually by the time you are subjected to the noise there is little that can be done.

You can though prevent it being as issue next year by installing appropriate gull proofing or deterrents.



What is Habitat Management?

Some habitats require periodic natural disturbances to maintain their unique characteristics. By “managing” the land, we can often mimic these natural disturbances in places where the disturbance has been eliminated or diminished.

Additionally, development can significantly reduced the diversity of habitats in some areas, and managing undeveloped lands helps to maintain this diversity. Management techniques that can be used to mimic natural disturbances include prescribed burning, mowing, timber harvesting, removing non-native species, and planting native species.


My local council are mowing the roadside verges that were full of wild flowers. Isn't this destroying important habitat for butterflies and moths?

Some parts of road verges need to be kept short with regular cutting for safety reasons and this cannot be avoided. Most road verges will be cut at some stage during the year or every few years just to keep them open.

Many verges are full of flowers because annual mowing has prevented vigorous, competitive plants from dominating and scrub from eventually taking over. On very thin, stony soils this can be less of an issue, but the natural tendency to become scrub won't always hold back. Ideally any cutting should be left until the end of the summer, when flowers have set seed and insects are getting ready to over-winter. But this is not always possible for safety reasons, or desirable as the most competitive grasses and plants will also have set seed and spread. So when summer cutting has to take place then the impact can be reduced limiting it to just parts of the verges, with the remainder cut at the end of the season.

Part cutting, especially when not very frequent and when the cuttings do not accumulate, can actually benefit grass verges by creating a range in vegetation structure. A part cutting regime could also try and leave some of the taller vegetation such as dead umbellifer and thistle stems, standing against the hedge, as they are valuable over-wintering places for invertebrates.


What is the Riparian zone?

A riparian zone or riparian area is the interface between land and a river or stream. Riparian is also the proper nomenclature for one of the fifteen terrestrial biomes of the earth. Plant habitats and communities along the river margins and banks are called riparian vegetation, characterised by hydrophilic plants.


What to do with Japanese Knotweed (Fallopia Japonica)?

Do: Contact us


Don't flail
Japanese Knotweed as this could cause it to spread. Cutting with sharp hooks, slashers etc. or hand pulling is recommended to avoid any dispersal of cut fragments.

Don’t cause the spread of Japanese Knotweed stem and crowns
If you cut down Japanese Knotweed, it is best to dispose of it on site. Material taken off site is classified as waste and must be safely contained and disposed of at a licensed disposal site.

Don’t try to dig up Japanese Knotweed
This will lead to a significant increase in stem density. Even a tiny fragment of the cut rhizome is capable of regeneration.

Don’t spread soil contaminated with Japanese Knotweed rhizome
Any soil that is obtained from ground within 7 m horizontally and 3 m deep of a Japanese Knotweed plant could contain rhizome. The rhizome is highly regenerative and will readily grow into new plants.

Don’t chip Japanese Knotweed material
Mechanical chippers don’t kill Japanese Knotweed. If you spread the chipped material on soil, Japanese knotweed could regrow.

Don’t dump garden waste contaminated with Japanese Knotweed in the countryside
You will be breaking the law.

Don’t add Japanese Knotweed to compost
Compost it separately (preferably on plastic sheeting to prevent rooting) so that you can be sure it is dead.

Don’t take Japanese Knotweed to recycling centres that receive garden waste
This will contaminate the compost.

Don’t break the law 
Remember, if you cause Japanese Knotweed to spread you are guilty of an offence under the Wildlife and Countryside Act, 1981.

If you have any concerns, don't hesitate to contact your local team


What is Giant Hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum)?

Giant Hogweed was brought in to the UK as an ornamental plant. It is native of South-Eastern Europe and is a member of the carrot family. Generally it grows near watercourses and in damp meadows, though it can be found on waste ground where conditions are right. It is a highly invasive plant that grows vigorously. Each plant can produce up to 50,000 seeds which can survive for up to 15 years. Giant Hogweed is capable of growing to a height of up to 5 metres.

Contact with this invasive weed produces a skin reaction which is antagonised by exposure to sunlight. Blisters occur 24 to 48 hours after exposure. Damaged skin heals very slowly, leaving residual pigmentation that can develop into recurrent dermatitis. (PCA 2017). A structured treatment program using appropriate herbicides allows giant hogweed to be effectively controlled.


What is Himalayan Balsam (Impatiens glandulifera)?

Introduced to the UK in 1839 from Northern India, Himalayan or Indian balsam is most commonly found on river banks and damp areas, though it is capable of thriving in many other habitats. The dense stands on river banks impede the flow in flood conditions exacerbating flooding. They also shade out native plant species.

Himalayan balsam also causes a less obvious problem for native species. Like many flowering plants, Himalayan balsam produces a sugary nectar to attract insects. However the flowers produce more nectar than any other native European species making it more attractive to bees and other insects, luring them away from pollinating our native flowers. (PCA 2017).

A structured treatment program using both herbicides and cultural control methods such as hand pulling can provide effective Himalayan balsam control. Annual treatments are needed, focusing on early control to kill plants before they seed.


I have been asked to have an Ecological Survey undertaken to submit a Planning Application - What is an Ecological Survey and what type of survey do I need?

If you have not previously had an ecological assessment of your site, then it is most likely that you will require a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA).

A PEA is sometimes also referred to as an ‘Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey’, or may have been called an ‘Ecological Walkover Survey’. It is often the first ecological assessment that will be undertaken at a site, and will involve an Ecologist surveying your site to describe the habitats present and identifying whether there are field signs of protected species or potential for protected or notable species to be present. The assessment will usually be accompanied by an appropriate desk based study including collating relevant biological records data.


What is biological records data and why is it relevant?

Biological records include a wide variety of information including information concerning legally protected sites and sites designated for their nature conservation value, habitats of principal importance and legally protected and notable species (which may also include invasive non-native species). The information may be gathered from a number of sources, but typically includes a request being submitted to one of the local biological recording centres for relevant information. The information gathered will be relevant and proportionate to the type of project or proposal being assessed, and forms an important part of an ecological assessment when determining potential impacts to sites or species.


I am required to have a dormouse/bat/newt/bird/reptile/badger/water vole survey completed. When can I have this done?

Different protected species may need surveys completed at different times of the year. Surveys are required to be undertaken when evidence (or activity) by that species can be detected by particular survey methods. A combination of the species’ ecology and published survey guidelines will therefore dictate when surveys can take place.

This ecological survey calendar which will help act as a basic guide around when such surveys can be undertaken. However regional variations and weather conditions may also be applicable so speak with an Ecologist to find out more information. Typically these surveys will be required prior to planning permission being validated by the Local Planning Authority.



Can animal based surveys be conditioned by the Local Planning Authority?

Usually not. Local Planning Authorities usually require all relevant information to be submitted when making a planning decision.


What is a protected species licence?

Where a proposed activity (e.g. construction or engineering works) would result in an impact to a protected species which would constitute an offence under relevant wildlife legislation (e.g. the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010 or the Protection of Badgers Act 1992), then a protected species licence may be required before those works may proceed.

In England such licences are issued by Natural England (NE), in Scotland by Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) and in Wales, Natural Resources Wales (NRW). NBC Environment can help you design appropriate mitigation and apply for a licence.


Do you provide a bee control service?

There is no specific legislation making it illegal to control bees however it is generally accepted that certain species - as well as other invertebrates - need to be protected to maintain future biodiversity. If you have a bee problem we recommend that you contact your local bee keeper. The best place to start is the British Bee Keepers Association.

British Beekeepers Association, National Beekeeping Centre, Stoneleigh Park, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 2LG

Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 9.00am - 5.00pm

Telephone: 0871 811 2282 or 0871 811 2337


Do I need a felling licence?

Yes you do, unless you come under one of the following exemptions.

You should always double check with the Forestry Commission. You should also check with the local authority to see if any of the trees are covered by a Tree Preservation Order or are in a Conservation Area as this information is not available in the LIS. Felling Licence exemptions can be grouped in the following way:

  • Location
  • Type of tree work
  • Volume and diameter
  • Other permissions
  • Legal and statutory requirements

Use the information below to check whether a licence is required.

Please contact Forestry Commission England before felling to check that a licence is not necessary. Contact Us to find out the address of the nearest Forestry Commission office.



You do not need a licence to fell trees in:

  • A garden
  • An orchard
  • A churchyard
  • A designated open space (such as land registered under the Commons Act 1899, village greens, public parks and public gardens)

Type of Tree Work

You do not need a licence to carry out:

  • Lopping
  • Topping
  • Pruning
  • Pollarding

Volume and Diameter

You do not need a licence:

  • To fell less than 5 cubic metres in a calendar quarter (Please note that you cannot sell more than 2 cubic metres in a calendar quarter)
  • For trees that have the following diameters when measured 1.3 metres from the ground
    • 8 cm or less
    • 10 cm or less for thinnings
    • 15cm or less for cutting coppice

The Timber Volume Calculator can help you work out the volume of timber in question.

Other Permissions

You do not need a licence if you have a current permission under:

  • An approved Dedication Scheme plan
  • Planning permission (granted under the Town and Country Planning Act)

Legal and Statutory Requirements

You do not need a licence:

  • For trees that are dangerous or cause a nuisance See page 3, paragraph 6 of Tree Felling - Getting Permission
  • To prevent the spread of a quarantine pest or disease in accordance with a notice served by a Forestry Commission Plant Health Officer
  • To comply with an Act of Parliament
  • To undertake your duties as a statutory service provider (gas, water, electricity)

Forestry Commission 2017


Pest Control

Does NBC provide pest control services in my area?

Yes. We are a nationwide company providing pest control services via a network of local branches, each with expert friendly pest and bird control teams.

We manage and co-ordinate our network via our head office based in Norfolk, but you can talk directly to your local branch manager for advice or local information by calling 0333 567 2020. All enquiries are responded to within 2 business hours.


Does NBC provide pest control free of charge?

All of our services are chargeable. If you require domestic pest control your local council may provide a free pest control service. We recommend you contact your local representative to understand if you qualify for free pest control.All of our services are chargeable. If you require domestic pest control your local council may provide a free pest control service. We recommend you contact your local representative to understand if you qualify for free pest control.


What is humane and responsible pest management?

NBC supports the Think Wildlife 'Campaign for Responsible Rodenticide Usage' (CRRU). Our nationwide experts provide a service that is considered, responsible and humane. We limit the use of rodenticides unless absolutely necessary to prevent and reduce the risk of secondary poisoning of non-target wildlife, communities and the environment.

For more information talk to your local NBC team on 0333 567 2020.


How do you get rid of rats?

There are a variety of methods to get rid of a rodent infestation. The methods used may depend on the type of business or location of the site and the surrounding environment. We limit the amount of toxic baiting where possible offering alternative methods such as break back traps. This reduces the risk of secondary poisoning to non-target wildlife, the environment and the local community.

To understand which rodent control method is best for your business talk to your local team of pest control experts on 0333 567 2020.


Does NBC provide a pest control service for bats?

No, there is a UK law protecting bats that is considerably stricter than it is for most other animals. All bat species are protected under schedule 5 of the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981. Bats are also included in Schedule 2 of the Conservation (Natural Habitats) Regulations 1994, which defines "European protected species of animals". Taken together, the Act and Regulations make it illegal to:

  • Intentionally or deliberately kill, injure or capture (take) bats.
  • Deliberately disturb bats (whether in a roost or not).
  • Damage, destroy or obstruct access to bat roosts possess or transport a bat or any part of a bat, unless acquired legally.
  • Sell, barter or exchange bats, or parts of bats.

We recommend to avoid potential prosecution you consult Natural England or a relevant and recognised body. See contact details on the Bat Conservation Trust website.



How do I book a pest control treatment service?

You can generate a quote for all of our residential control treatment services on our hassle-free and simple quoting form.



How soon can a operative come out to my property?

We understand the need to control and treat any pest problem fast.

We offer 24Hr and 48Hr response time for all our residential services, as well as a 5 day response option for selected services.


What to do if you see a wasp?

Firstly, use our identification guide to check you have spotted a wasp. It is common to mistake a wasp for a bee or a even a hornet with their similar stripped appearances.

Don't panic if there are wasps passing through your garden - the insects are part of our natural ecosystem. If there are a significant number of wasps in your home or garden there could be a wasp nest nearby. Learn how to discover if there is a wasp nest on your property.


When is wasp season?

Wasp season is from spring to autumn.

In early spring, queen wasps emerge from hibernation to establish a new colony and build a nest. The colony grows rapidly through to the summer months. In autumn, the colony beings to break down and all remaining wasps and the nest dies towards the end of the year.


How do I know if I have a wasps nest?

A key sign of a wasp nest nearby is the influx of wasps in your house or garden and white 'tramlines' of wooden garden furniture.

Take a moment to observe the flight path of the wasps; the insects constantly fly back and forth to the nest. Our website has more information about locating a wasp nest or you can contact us for advice on 0333 567 2020.


How do I get rid of a wasp nest?

If you are have a wasp nest on your property, you can get a quote for our wasp nest treatment service. Our treatment is hassle-free and is the most efficient solution to deal with your problem.

All of our operatives evaluate the risks and take a planned approach to address the issue. Our tailored solutions consist of specialist products to quickly destroy any wasp nest.


Can a treated wasp nest be removed?

Our operative will be able to advise you prior to your treatment if the wasp nest needs to be removed for safety reasons.

If you require the treated nest to be taken away please contact us for more information.


Will a wasp nest disappear on its own?

In most cases, the wasp nest and colony dies over winter. There is a chance of a younger fertile queen wasp taking over the colony when the existing queen dies. To remove any chance of the nest surviving use our professional wasp nest treatment service.

Another wasp colony may also build their nest in the same area if conditions are preferable, so make sure you take a look at our techniques to deter the insects.


How can I get rid of wasps if I do not have a wasps nest on my property?

It is essential to avoid wasp problems before it becomes too late. Use our management techniques to prevent wasps from nesting in your house and to control wasp activity.

These include sealing up any cracks in the structure of your house and ways to deter wasps - our website has more information on how to prevent wasps.



How do I book a pest control treatment service?

You can generate a quote for all of our residential control treatment services on our hassle-free and simple quoting form.



How soon can a operative come out to my property?

We understand the need to control and treat any pest problem fast.

We offer 24Hr and 48Hr response time for all our residential services, as well as a 5 day response option for selected services.


How do I stop rodents from entering my house?

There are many actions you can take against a potential rodent infestation Some preventative measures you can put in place include removing the things that rodents need to survive from your home. This includes food, water, and shelter. Our website has more information on preventing rodents.


Do rats and mice come out during the day?

Rats and mice are nocturnal. If you see a rodent during the day, this could indicate a large infestation. 


Is rodent bait safe for my children and pets?

Our job is to make sure we keep you and your family safe, while treating your rodent issueOur bait boxes are tamper-proof and if placed as part of your treatment will be strategically positioned around your home in places they will be undisturbed. 


How do I know if I have rats or mice?

Some people will mistakenly identify mice in their home as rats, or vice versa. However, rats and mice are different creatures, each of which poses a particular set of risks. Our website contains more information around the appearance of each individual pest rodent. 


Are rodents dangerous?

Mice and rats can carry a wide array of dangerous diseases. Rodents can contaminate food and various surfaces in your home with their faeces and urine, putting you at risk of contracting these diseases. Some of the infections carried by rats in particular, such as hantavirus, can be lethal.

Our website contains more information around health risks associated with rodents. 


Bed Bugs

How do I book a pest control treatment service?

You can generate a quote for all of our residential control treatment services on our hassle-free and simple quoting form.



How soon can a operative come out to my property?

We understand the need to control and treat any pest problem fast.

We offer 24Hr and 48Hr response time for all our residential services, as well as a 5 day response option for selected services.


How do I know if I have bed bugs?

Bed bugs can hide all over your house – bed frames, skirting boards or behind photo frames on wall. The nocturnal parasites come out at night to feed.  

Initially signs of bed bugs are bites on your body especially on your arms, face and neck. For larger infestation you many notice dark brown spots on your bedding and or insect shells. Read about all the signs of bed bugs.

It’s imperative to book a bed beg treatment service as soon as possible to prevent bed bugs taking hold of your home. Use our quick quote form to get a quote for our bed bug treatment service.


How do I get rid of bed bugs?

Self-treatment of bed bugs is unlikely to be successful, especially as the pests are becoming resistant to a number of products. A professional pest control solution is needed to protect you and your family from bed bugs and their bites.  

Our service is the most efficient and safe way to remove bed bugsThis involves 3 treatment appointmentusing a combination of control methods ensuring every single egg and bed bug is eliminated from your home. You can rest easy using our bed bug treatment solution - get a quote for this service.


How do I book a bed bug treatment?

Once you have identified you have a bed bug problem, you can get a quote for our bed bug treatment service. From there you can call us to confirm and book in the treatment.

We treat infestations in residential properties with up to 4 bedrooms, if you have an infestation in a larger property please call us on 0333 567 2020 for advice. 


What should I do before a bed bug treatment?

There are a few steps you need to carry out before our operative delivers treatment.  

  1. Remove and wash linen items from the infested bedroom on a hot wash setting. 
  2. Vacuum the room and remember to empty the contents of the vacuum cleaner. 
  3. Move furniture away from the walls of the bedroom and ensure the operative can accesses as much as the floor as possible. 

Please see here for more guidance.


What should I do after a bed bug treatment?

Avoid cleaning the treated bedroom to allow our treatment control product to take full effect. Our advanced products also leave a residual to provide protection against future infestation - read here for more details. 


Biting Insects

How do I book a pest control treatment service?

You can generate a quote for all of our residential control treatment services on our hassle-free and simple quoting form.



How soon can a operative come out to my property?

We understand the need to control and treat any pest problem fast.

We offer 24Hr and 48Hr response time for all our residential services, as well as a 5 day response option for selected services.


How do I know if I have biting insects?

The most obvious sign of biting insects in your home are small bites on your body. Bites left from blood-sucking pests can cause swelling and itchiness, and in some cases serious health risks. You can find more information on health risks from biting insects on our website.  

 If you also notice your pet constantly has an itch this is another warning you may have a problem on your hands.  

Take action and stop an infestation by using our efficient and effective biting insect treatment service.   


How do I get rid of biting insects?

Attempting to remove any type of biting insect on your own is difficult. Don’t panic, our professional service is here to solve all your pest issues. We deliver targeted and tailored solutions for your home. Our biting insect treatment services uses a combination of specialist methods to ensure your problem is dealt with - get a quote for our biting insect treatment service now.


How do I book a biting insect treatment?

Don't delay on booking a biting insect treatment. Visit our quick quote form to generate a quote for treatment and call us to confirm a booking. 

We treat infestations in residential properties with up to 4 bedrooms, if you have an infestation in a larger property please call us on 0333 567 2020 for advice and quotes.


What should I do before a biting insect treatment?

There are a few steps you need to carry out before our operative delivers a treatment. 

  1. Remove and wash fabric items from the in your house on a hot wash setting. 
  2. Vacuum the entire house to begin removing any pest from your home 
  3. Clear as much floor space as possible, so our operative can thoroughly apply the treatment. 

For more guidance, see here. 


What should I do after a biting insect treatment?

After each treatment appointment you need to vacate the treated room for at least four hours. Avoid vacuuming or thoroughly cleaning your house after the treatment appointment for a minimum of five days. This will allow our treatment control product to take full effect and eliminate all biting insects. Our products also leave a residual to provide further protection against future infestations.  


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